Friday, July 13, 2007

LMC Buzz from Aorund the World

Dear LMC Staff
Thank you for sending us the LMC newsletter. We enjoy reading that.
My wife talked a lot about the wonders of LMC and what she learned there. Her report reminds me of the Townsend Institute that I did in the early ‘90s. LMC has really improved by the sound of things. She keeps telling me, "You must attend again!" I'll be happy to go, now that she has convinced me that I could learn more.

We are making up a report in order to bring a proposal and recommendation to our administration that we recognize the importance of tooling our people through LMC. We'll let you know how things go.

God bless you …

Dear LMC Staff
The relationship building skills did me a good treat. I have made three new friends and am encouraging them by keeping in touch. I am making sure that I practice responding with affirmation to people when they call. There was a load of paper work piled and waiting for me when I came back to work but I saw things in a new perspective … which is really hard to believe. I’ve been working through identifying the needs of my stakeholders (my boss, creditors and staff) and am pleased at the ease in doing PR and the POA now that I have them written down.
I just have so much to share.
Thanks for your prayers and I will continue to pray for the LMC trainers and their families.

With much love in Christ Jesus, Sister … (still smiling)

“The environment of affirmation created a place where we could all be transparent, vulnerable and teachable. What a difference this makes to people’s ability to learn!” (Jo Cummings, OM Australia)

”The course presents an integrated concept of leadership. Whereas I may have come across much of the material before in a scatted way, this course brings it all together in a way that demands attention and a response. It will be valuable to me to the extent I can spend further quality time on it and integrate it into life and ministry” (Phil Bushell, Asia)

This course has given me exactly the right tools I need to recruit, build, strengthen and encourage my team.” (Tillmann Klein, OM Australia)

I should have done this course twenty years ago!” (Sineina Gela, Bible Translation Association, Papua New Guinea)

Spain Relationship Matters Course

Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for your prayers for the Relationship Matters Course, the first in Spanish! From both the written evaluations and all the comments we received from the participants, the course was a huge success. We had 24 participants and 9 trainers.

There were many positive comments. One of the more experienced pastors, from one of the churches represented, had tears flowing down his cheeks and found it difficult to speak. He said this course was marvelous and that he truly believes it has the potential to revolutionize the country of Spain. That is what we have been thinking for the last two years, but we have been working, praying and anticipating the day when a Spanish leader would say that.

One of the questions on the evaluation asked participants: “if we offered another course, would they attend.” Every participant answered yes, and the majority used some adjective to say “emphatically yes”. Many said, “when are you going to offer it?” We praise the Lord and thank Him for doing more than we could imagine.

Here for HIS glory,

Jeff & Susan Turnbough