Friday, May 12, 2006

Buzz from MV Logos II

It really is amazing that I would get this mail from you at this time, for some time now I have felt the Lord laying it on my heart that I need to take some time out - a time of solitude, to rest, to look back and evaluate, to look ahead and seek His guidance, but above all a time just to rest in His presence and draw close to Him and allow Him to fill my cup...
It's amazing that all this actually started with the LMC in Turkey and since then there has been so many instances where God has reminded me of this and really given me this desire to take action to make it happen...
Even more than this I have this unexplainable sense of expectation that during this time God wants to meet with me and do an amazing work in my life - I am normally very careful of relying on feelings or emotions, but this really is different and exciting...
PLEASE pray with me that God will lead and direct me in this, I have already discussed this with my leaders and it seems that the doors are slowly opening for me to be able to take at least 1 month out somewhere within the next 4 months - I have decided that I will not go home (to South Africa) during this time because from my experience I know that it will not work for me to try and do this back home, so I am trying to find the right place and time to do this...???
Since the LMC, I started and led the Intensive Training Program on board the Logos II and for the past year been working also as the program manager onboard, it is GREAT to be part of this ministry and to see and experience God touch so many lives.
Wow, that's already a whole mouth-full...
Anyway, THANK YOU John for your updates and please know that I am and will be praying for you !
In Him,
Brian Esterhuizen

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